学校主页 |











[1] 2016/09-2020/08 中山大学公共卫生学院,博士,导师:黄存瑞教授

[2] 2018/12-2019/12 美国华盛顿大学联合培养博士,导师:Sverre Vedal教授

[3] 2013/09-2016/07 郑州大学公共卫生学院,硕士,导师:余增丽教授

[4] 2008/09-2013/07 河南中医药大学预防医学学士


l 学术荣誉

[1] 2022年,河南省科技进步二等奖(4/10)

[2] 2018年,国际环境流行病学学会/国际暴露科学学会联席会议 (ISES-ISEE) “Travel Award

l 国际期刊

[1] Journal of Hazardous Materials审稿人

[2] Environment International 审稿人

[3] American Journal of Preventive Medicine 审稿人

[4] Science of the Total Environment 审稿人

[5] Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 审稿人

[6] Environmental Pollution审稿人

[7] Environmental Research 审稿人

[8] Social Science & Medicine 审稿人

[9] International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health审稿人

[10] Journal of Affective Disorders 审稿人

[11] Chemosphere审稿人

[12] Atmospheric Environment 审稿人

[13] Atmospheric Pollution Research审稿人

[14] International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 审稿人

l 社会兼职

[1] 中国学生营养与健康促进会河南代表处 秘书长

[2] 中国营养学会 会员


[1] 河南省重点研发与推广专项,科技攻关计划项目,222102310165,基于孕妇队列探讨膳食模式在大气细颗粒物影响妊娠期糖代谢中的作用研究2022.01-2023.12,主持

[2] 河南省博士后基金,22120007,2023.01-2023.12,主持

[3] 郑州大学求是青年教师科研启动基金,2022.08-2023.08,主持

[4] 周口市公立医院改革与高质量发展示范项目(No.2023-05-68),2023.09-2024.02主持


l 论文(第一或通讯作者)

[1] Zhang H, Zhang X, Feng D, Gao Z, Gong Y, Zhang J, Song S, Yu Z, Huang C. Interaction effects of night-time temperature and PM(2.5) on preterm birth in Huai River Basin, China [J]. Environment International, 2023, 171: 107729.

[2] Zhang H, Wang Q, Benmarhnia T, Jalaludin B, Shen X, Yu Z, Ren M, Liang Q, Wang J, Ma W, Huang C. Assessing the effects of non-optimal temperature on risk of gestational diabetes mellitus in a cohort of pregnant women in Guangzhou, China [J]. Environment International, 2021, 152: 106457.

[3] Zhang H, Wang Q, He S, Wu K, Ren M, Dong H, Di J, Yu Z, Huang C. Ambient air pollution and gestational diabetes mellitus: A review of evidence from biological mechanisms to population epidemiology [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 719: 137349.

[4] Zhang H, Dong H, Ren M, Liang Q, Shen X, Wang Q, Yu L, Lin H, Luo Q, Chen W, Knibbs LD, Jalaludin B, Wang Q, Huang C. Ambient air pollution exposure and gestational diabetes mellitus in Guangzhou, China: A prospective cohort study [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 699: 134390.

[5] Zhang H, Zhang X, Zhao X, Cheng G, Chang H, Ye X, Wang J, Yu Z, Wang Q, Huang C. Maternal exposure to air pollution and congenital heart diseases in Henan, China: A register-based case-control study [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 229: 113070.

[6] Gong Y, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Zhao X, Chang H, Huang J, Yu Z, Zhang H*, Liu H*. Ambient particulate matter, maternal thyroid function, and birth weight: A mediation analysis [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 264: 115420.

[7] Zhang H, Zhang X, Zhang H, Luo H, Feng Y, Wang J, Huang C, Yu Z. Assessing the effect of fine particulate matter on adverse birth outcomes in Huai River Basin, Henan, China, 2013-2018 [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 306: 119357.

[8] Wang Q#, Zhang H#, Liang Q, Knibbs LD, Ren M, Li C, Bao J, Wang S, He Y, Zhu L, Wang X, Zhao Q, Huang C. Effects of prenatal exposure to air pollution on preeclampsia in Shenzhen, China [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237: 18-27.

[9] Yu Z, Zhang X, Zhang J, Feng Y, Zhang H, Wan Z, Xiao C, Zhang H*, Wang Q, Huang C. Gestational exposure to ambient particulate matter and preterm birth: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis [J]. Environmental Research, 2022, 212(Pt C): 113381.

[10] Song S, Gao Z, Zhang X, Zhao X, Chang H, Zhang J, Yu Z, Huang C, Zhang H*. Ambient fine particulate matter and pregnancy outcomes: An umbrella review [J]. Environmental Research, 2023, 235: 116652.

[11] Gong Y, Zhang X, Zhao X, Chang H, Zhang J, Gao Z, Mi Y, Chen Y, Zhang H*, Huang C, Yu Z. Global ambient particulate matter pollution and neurodegenerative disorders: a systematic review of literature and meta-analysis [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(14): 39418-39430.

[12] Yu Z, Liu H, Liu X, Tao Y, Zhang X, Zhao X, Chang H, Huang J, Zhao Y, Zhang H*, Huang C. Dynamic changes in ambient PM(2.5) and body mass index among old adults: a nationwide cohort study [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(54): 115929-115937.

l 著作

Wang Q, Zhang H, Huang C. Chapter 12 - Air pollution, climate change, and reproductive health in China. In: Gao M, Wang Z, Carmichael G (eds). Air Pollution, Climate, and Health[M]. Elsevier, 2021:249-271.
