学校主页 |







杨瑞英,女,1987年生,副教授、硕士生导师、郑州大学拔尖博士人才,郑州大学“三育人”先进个人,郑州大学教师讲课比赛二等奖。主要从事生物功能纳米材料(金属有机框架材料、量子点等)制备、核酸信号放大策略设计和新型光电化学传感策略构建及其在肿瘤标志物早期诊断中的应用研究,目前发表中科院SCI论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Small、Analytical Chemistry、Chemical Communication、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、ACS Applied Material Interfaces等国际期刊上发表中科院SCI一区论文14篇,二区2篇;目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目等其他国家级项目3项,河南省科技项目4项。中国化学会会员河南省医学会公共卫生青年委员担任Biosensors客座编辑Chemical Communication、ACS Applied Materials Interfaces、Analytical Biochemistry等期刊的通讯审稿人。



[1] 2022-至今,郑州大学公共卫生学院,副教授

[2] 2019-2021,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,讲师(直聘副教授)


[1] 2014-2019湖南大学,化学,博(硕博连读)

[2] 2010-2014,河南理工大学,化学工程与工艺,本科


l 国际期刊

Biosensors 客座编辑




[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:22104134;年限:2022-2023):基于光电流方向翻转和三维双足DNA步行器的光电化学传感器构建及其lncRNA检测

[2] 化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室开放课题(编号:2021012;年限:2022-2024):双模型信号翻转光电化学/可视化比色传感器构建及其mRNA检测研究

[3] 河南省重点研发与推广项目(编号:232102311092;年限:2023-2024):基于CRISPR/Cas系统的信号翻转型生物传感器构建及其circRNA检测应用

[4] 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(编号:22B330003;年限:2022-2023):光电化学生物传感器构建及其外泌体miRNA检测研究

[5] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(编号:2020M672259;年限:2020-2021):竞争主客体识别诱导的mRNA双模光电化学/电化学传感研究

[6] 河南省重点研发与推广项目(编号:212102311073;年限:2021-2022)基于双模型光电/电化学传感器的四环素类抗生素残留快速检测技术研究

[7] 郑州大学青年教师拔尖专项(编号:32211549/32211745;年限:2019-2020)基于光电流方向翻转策略的超灵敏肺癌标志物光电化学传感研究


l 论文

[1] Wenchao Geng, Guihua Jiang, Huimin Liu, Linsheng Xue, Lihua Ding, Yuling Li, Yongjun Wu, Ruiying Yang*. A Direct-Contact Photocurrent-Direction- Switching Biosensing Platform Based on In Situ Formation of CN QDs/TiO2 Nanodiscs and Double-Supported 3D DNA Walking Amplification. Small 2023, 2302829. (中科院SCI一区 IF=13.3)

[2] Ruiying Yang, Guihua Jiang, Huimin Liu, Leiliang He, Fei Yu, Li’e Liu, Lingbo Qu, Yongjun Wu*. A dual-model “on-super off” photoelectrochemical/ratiometric electrochemical biosensor for ultrasensitive and accurate detection of microRNA-224. Biosensors Bioelectronics 2021, 188, 113337. (中科院SCI一区 IF=12.6)

[3] Li-e Liu, Linsheng Xue, Yuling Li, Jiangying Ji, Xinxin Yuan, Hangchen Han, Lihua Ding, Yongjun Wu, Ruiying Yang*. MOFs-derived Co3O4@MnO2@Carbon dots with enhanced nanozymes activity for photoelectrochemical detection of cancer cells in whole blood. Talanta 2024, 266, 125095. (中科院SCI一区 IF=6.1)

[4] Wenchao Geng, Linsheng Xue, Yuling Li, Jiangying Ji, Xinxin Yuan, Lihua Ding, Ruiying Yang*. A dual-model immobilization-free photoelectrochemical/visual colorimetric bioanalysis based on microemulsion self-assemblies mediated multifunctional signal amplification strategy. Analytica Chimica Acta 2023, 1277, 341644. (中科院SCI一区 IF=6.2)

[5] Guihua Jiang, Huimin Liu, Jie Liu, Li’e Liu, Yuling Li, Linsheng Xue, Yongjun Wu, Ruiying Yang*. Engineering of multifunctional carbon nanodots-decorated plasmonic Au@Ag nanoenzymes for photoelectrochemical biosensing of microRNA-155. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 2022, 360, 360, 131653. (中科院SCI一区 IF=9.2)

[6] Huimin Liu, Guihua Jiang, Li-e Liu*, Linsheng Xue, Yuling Li, Yongjun Wu, Ruiying Yang*. Multicomponent Cu@Cu2O@C hybrid-induced photocurrent polarity switching biosensing strategy for the detection of TK1 mRNA. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 2022, 372, 132631. (中科院SCI一区 IF=9.2)

[7] Guihua Jiang1, Ruiying Yang1, Jie Liu, Huimin Liu, Li’e Liu, Yongjun Wu*, Youmei A*. Two-dimensional Ti2C MXene-induced photocurrent polarity switching photoelectrochemical biosensing platform for ultrasensitive and selective detection of soluble CD146. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 2022, 350, 130859. (中科院SCI一区 IF=9.2)

[8] Ruiying Yang, Guihua Jiang, Jie Liu, Yilin Wang, Ningge Jian, Leiliang He, Li’e Liu, Lingbo Qu, Yongjun Wu*. Plasmonic TiO2@Au NPs//CdS QDs photocurrent-direction switching system for ultrasensitive and selective photoelectrochemical biosensing with cathodic background signal. Analytica Chimica Acta 2021, 1153, 338283. (中科院SCI一区 IF=6.9)

[9] Ruiying Yang*, Jie Liu. Sensitive and selective photoelectrochemical immunosensing platform based on potential-induced photocurrent-direction switching strategy and a direct Z-scheme CdS//hemin photocurrent-direction switching system. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2020, 873, 114346. (中科院SCI二区 IF=4.5)

[10] Wenchao Geng, Ruiying Yang*. A triple-helix molecular switch photoelectrochemical biosensor for ultrasensitive microRNA detection based on position-controllable CdS//CdTe signal enhancement and switching. Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 2909–2912. (中科院SCI二区 IF=6.2)

[11] Ruiying Yang, Kang Zou, Xiaohua Zhang, Cuicui Du, Jinhua Chen*. Target-induced photocurrent-polarity switching: a highly selective and sensitive photoelectrochemical sensing platform. Chemical Communications 2019, 55, 8939–8942. (中科院SCI一区 IF=6.2)

[12] Ruiying Yang1, Kang Zou1, Xiaohua Zhang, Cuicui Du, Jinhua Chen*. A new photoelectrochemical immunosensor for ultrasensitive assay of prion protein based on hemin-induced photocurrent direction switching. Biosensors Bioelectronics 2019,132, 55-61. (中科院SCI IF=12.6)

[13] Ruiying Yang, Kang Zou, Yanmei Li, Leixia Meng, Xiaohua Zhang, Jinhua Chen*. Co3O4-Au Polyhedra: A Multifunctional Signal Amplifier for Sensitive Photoelectrochemical Assay. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90, 9480–9486. (中科院SCI一区 IF=7.4)

[14] Ruiying Yang, Yanmei Li, Kang Zou, Leixia Meng, Xiaohua Zhang, Jinhua Chen*. A label-free and blocker-free photoelectrochemical strategy for highly sensitive caspase-3 assay. Chemical Communications 2018, 54, 4830–4833. (中科院SCI一区 IF=6.2)

[15] Ruiying Yang, Xiaoxia Yan, Yanmei Li, Xiaohua Zhang, Jinhua Chen*. Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon-ZnO Nanopolyhedra Derived from ZIF-8: New Materials for Photoelectrochemical Biosensors. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2017, 9, 42482–42491. (中科院SCI一区 IF=9.5)

l 会议报告

[1] 第五届全国卫生检验与检疫专业学科建设与人才培养高层次论坛(2023年,衡阳),大会报告

[2] 中国化学会第十五届全国电分析化学学术会议(2023年,扬州),大会报告
