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王彦杰,女,1990年生,教研室秘书、女工主任、学院国际生招生负责人。中国环境科学学会会员、中国毒理学会会员、中国颗粒协会会员、河南医学会预防医学分会青年委员、河南省环境健康专业委员会委员儿少卫生专业委员会委员。主持郑州大学本科生教学改革重点项目,郑州大学三育人先进个人指导本科生获国家级竞赛金奖、最佳风采奖、郑州大学优秀班主任。作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、河南省博士后基金等项目、河南省科技攻关项目等6项。以第一作者或通讯作者在国际权威杂志发表研究论文15篇(其中中科院一区论文10篇,Water Research 2篇),获发明专利2项,实用新型专利2项。



[1] 2023-1至现在,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,副教授

[2] 2019-42019-11,英国兰卡斯特大学,助教/访问学者

[3] 2018-72022-12,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,讲师


[1] 2015-92018-6,中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境工程,博士

[2] 2013-82014-12,英国兰卡斯特大学,能源与环境,硕士

[3] 2008-92012-7,郑州大学,生物技术,学士


l 学术荣誉

[1] “第九届全国大学生基础医学创新研究暨实验设计论坛总决赛”优秀指导教师

l 国内学会

[1] 中国环境科学学会会员、中国毒理学会会员、中国颗粒协会会员

[2] 河南省预防医学会青年委员、环境健康专业委员会委员儿少卫生专业委员会委员

l 国际期刊

[1] Frontiers in Public Health期刊编辑

[2] Water期刊编辑

[3] Journal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyWaste ManagementJournal of Environmental Management

Journal of Water Process EngineeringEnvironmental Technology & Innovation等期刊审稿人


[1] 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,52200134,医院污水源生物气溶胶中致病菌和病毒的传输机制及毒性效应研究,2023-012025-12,在研主持

[2] 中国博士后基金,面上项目,2020M672284,医疗废水产生的病原微生物气溶胶形式传播规律及风险评价,2021-012022-6,已结题,主持

[3] 河南省科技攻关项目,“污水-空气环境中病原体的时空传输及风险研究: 以医院污水站为例2024-012026-12,在研主持

[4] 河南省博士后基金,202010459160,基于HYSPLIT模型的医院污水处理过程生物气溶胶逸散研究,2020-012022-12,已结题,主持



Wang-Yanjie, Yang-Liying, Wild-Oliver, Zhang-Song, Kai-Yang, Wang-Wenwen, Li-Lin*. ADMS simulation and influencing factors of bioaerosol diffusion from BRT under different aeration modes in six wastewater treatment plants [J], Water Research, 2023, 231: 119624.中科院一区(IF:12.8)(单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Li-Lin*, Xue-Song, Han-Yunping, Yang-Kaixiong. Characteristics and formation mechanism of intestinal bacteria particles emitted from aerated wastewater treatment tanks [J], Water Research, 2019, 163: 114862.中科院一区(IF:12.8) (单独一作)


Wang-Yanjie, Lai-Bisheng, Han-Yunping, Yang-Liying, Zhang-Song, Yang-Kai, Yu-Fangfang*. The pollution of bioaerosols in hospital sewage purification process: Composition characteristics, seasonal variation and risk assessment [J], Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 419: 138301.中科院一区(IF:11.1) (单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Liu-Yang, Yang-Kai, Yang-Liying, Zhang-Song, Ba-Yue, Zhou-Guoyu*. The bioaerosols generated from the sludge treatment process: Bacterial and fungal variation characteristics, source tracking, and risk assessment [J], Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 903, 166193. ( 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166193) 中科院一区(IF:9.8) (单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Yang-Kai, Guo-Xuebin, Zhao-Shan, Lu-Zhiqiang, Yang-Liying, Song-Huiling, Zhou-Guoyu*. The generation characteristics, pattern, and exposure risk of bioaerosol emitted in an A2O process wastewater treatment plant regions [J], Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 241: 113823. 中科院一区(IF:6.8) (单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Zhang-Song, Hong-Qing, Song-Huiling, Yang-Liying, Yang-Kai, Xu-Hui, Yu-Fangfang*. Characteristics, non-carcinogenic risk assessment and prediction by HYSPLIT of bioaerosol released from Hospital and Municipal Sewage, China [J], Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 246: 114131. 中科院一区(IF:6.8) (单独一作)

Li-Yan, Yang-Liying, Song-Huiling, Ba-Yue, Li-Lin, Hong-Qing, Wang-Yanjie*. The changing pattern of bioaerosol characteristics, source and risk under diversity brush aerator speed [J], Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 236, 113478. 中科院一区(IF:6.8) (单独通讯)

Wang-Yanjie, Li-Lin*, Xiong-Ren, Guo-Xuesong, Liu-Junxin. Effects of aeration on microbes and intestinal bacteria in bioaerosols from the BRT of an indoor wastewater treatment facility [J], Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 648: 1453-1461. 中科院一区(IF:9.8) (单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Li-Lin*, Han-Yunping, Liu-Junxin, Yang-Kaixiong. Intestinal bacteria in bioaerosols and factors affecting their survival in two oxidation ditch process municipal wastewater treatment plants located in different regions [J], Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 154, 162170. 中科院一区(IF:6.8) (单独一作)

Yu-Fangfang, Luo-Kangting, Wang-Miao, Luo-Jincai, Sun-Lei, Yu-Shuiyuan, Zuo -Juan, Wang-Yanjie*. Selenomethionine Antagonized microRNAs Involved in Apoptosis of Rat Articular Cartilage Induced by T-2 Toxin [J], Toxins, 2023, 15.496.中科院一区(IF:4.2) (单独通讯)


Yu-Fangfang, Wang-Miao, Luo-Kangting, Sun-Lei, Yu-Shuiyuan, Zuo-Juan and Wang-Yanjie*. Expression Profiles of Long Non-Coding RNAs in the Articular Cartilage of Rats Exposed to T-2 Toxin [J], International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 13703. 中科院二区(单独通讯)

Wang-Yanjie, Song-Huiling, Li-Lin, Ma-Jiawei and Yu-Fangfang*. Generation characteristics and spreading risk of VOCs released from a biological fermentation pharmaceutical factory [J], Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 2023, 10, 1039. 中科院二区(单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Lan-Huachun, Li-Lin*, Yang-Kaixiong, Qu-Jiuhui & Liu-Junxin. Chemicals and microbes in bioaerosols from reaction tanks of six wastewater treatment plants: survival factors, generation sources, and mechanisms [J], Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 9362. 中科院二区(单独一作)

Wang-Yanjie, Zhang-Song, Yang-Liying, Song-Huiling, Zhou-Guoyu*. Characteristics, diffusion, and exposure risk of bioaerosol pollution during haze period on a campus of central China [J], Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2023, 16: 99–111. 中科院三区(单独一作)

王彦杰, 李琳*, 许光素, 刘俊新, 韩云平. 微生物气溶胶采集技术的特点及应用, 微生物学通报, 2017, 44(3): 701−709.北大中文核心期刊(单独一作)

l 会议报告



