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侯建,男,硕士生导师、郑州大学拔尖博士人才,郑州大学三育人先进个人。主要从事室内外染物暴露水平评估及其相关的健康风险,尤其是衰老相关疾病,并探究环境污染物引起健康损伤的潜在机制。目前发表中科院SCI论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Environment InternationalScience of the Total environmentClinical nutritionJournal of Internal Medicine等国际期刊上发表中科院SCI一区论文16篇,二区8篇;目前主持/参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金面上及河南省科技攻关等项目。河南省医学会公共卫生青年委员,担任toxics客座编辑,多次受邀为J hazard materEnviron pollutchemosphere等期刊进行审稿。



[1] 2019-至今,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,讲师


[1] 2015-2019,华中科技大学,劳动卫生与环境卫生学专业,博士

[2] 2012-2014,华中科技大学,公共卫生专业,硕士

[3] 2007-2012,石河子大学,预防医学,学士


l 国际期刊

Toxics 客座编辑

l 国内学会与学术期刊



[1] 河南省科技攻关项目:农村人群PAHs暴露对COPD的影响及端粒-端粒酶系统介导机制,(项目编号:222102320029,在研,主持)

[2] 中国博士后面上项目:端粒-线粒体轴在PAHsPAEs复合暴露致2型糖尿病的作用,(项目编号:2019M662548,主持)。

[3] 郑州大学青年教师拔尖专项:端粒稳态失衡在多环芳烃暴露与2型糖尿病中作用(编号:32211748/ 32211550,在研,已结题)。

[4] 环境与健康教育部重点实验室开放基金:衰老表征在PAHsPAEs复合暴露致2型糖尿病的作用与机制(项目编号:2020GWKFJJ01,已结题,主持)。

[5] 国家重点研发计划中医药现代化研究重点专项:不同区域人群心脑血管疾病中医健康状态监测、预警与防控模式的示范研究——心脑血管疾病中医风险评估和预警模型研究,(项目编号,2019YFC171000已结题, 参与)。

[6] 国家自然科学基面上项目:基于农村队列的新烟碱类农药环境暴露对2型糖尿病发病的作用研究,(项目编号:42177415,在研, 参与)。


l 代表性论文

[1] Li R, Chen G, Liu X, Pan M, Kang N, Hou X, Liao W, Dong X, Yuchi Y, Mao Z, Huo W, Wang X, Guo Y, Li S, Hou J* (co-corresponding author), Wang C*. Aging biomarkers: Potential mediators of association between long-term ozone exposure and risk of atherosclerosis. Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022. 292(3):512-522.

[2] Hou X, Mao Z, Song X, Kang N, Zhang C, Li R, Yuchi Y, Liao W, Liu X, Huo W, Wang C*, Hou J* (co-corresponding author). Kitchen ventilation alleviated adverse associations of domestic fuel use and long-duration cooking with platelet indices as biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases. Science of the Total Environment. 2022; 834:155341.

[3] Li R, Chen G, Pan M, Hou X, Kang N, Chen R, Yuchi Y, Liao W, Liu X, Mao Z, Huo W, Guo Y, Li S, Wang C*, Hou J* (co-corresponding author). Adverse associations of long-term exposure to ambient ozone with molecular biomarkers of aging alleviated by residential greenness in rural Chinese adults. Environment International. 2022;169:107496.

[4] Kang N, Chen G, Tu R, Liao W, Liu X, Dong X, Li R, Pan M, Yin S, Hu K, Mao Z, Huo W, Guo Y, Li S, Hou J* (co-corresponding author), Wang C*. Adverse associations of different obesity measures and the interactions with long-term exposure to air pollutants with prevalent type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Henan Rural Cohort study. Environmental Research. 2022; 207:112640.

[5] Hou J, Tu R, Dong Y, Liu X, Dong X, Li R, Pan M, Yin S, Hu K, Mao Z, Huo W, Guo Y, Li S, Chen G, Wang C. Associations of residing greenness and long-term exposure to air pollution with glucose homeostasis markers. Science of the Total Environment 2021; 776:145834.

[6] Hou J, Gu J, Liu X, Tu R, Dong X, Li R, Mao Z, Huo W, Chen G, Pan M, Guo Y, Li S, Wang C. Long-term exposure to air pollutants enhanced associations of obesity with blood pressure and hypertension. Clinical Nutrition 2021; 40(4):1442-1450.

[7] Hou J, Yin W, Li P, Hu C, Xu T, Cheng J, Li T, Wang L, Yu Z, Yuan J. Joint effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phthalates exposure on telomere length and lung function. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020; 386: 121663.

[8] Hou J, Liu X, Tu R, Dong X, Zhai Z, Mao Z, Huo W, Chen G, Xiang H, Guo Y, Li S, Wang C. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution attenuated the association of physical activity with metabolic syndrome in rural Chinese adults: A cross-sectional study. Environment International. 2020; 136: 105459.

[9] Hou J, Duan Y, Tu R, Dong X, Zhai Z, Mao Z, Huo W, Chen G, Xiang H, Guo Y, Li S, Wang C. Associations of long-term exposure to air pollutants, physical activity and platelet traits of cardiovascular risk in a rural Chinese population. Science of the Total Environment. 2020; 12: 140182.

[10] Liao W, Liu X, Kang N, Song Y, Li R, Song X, Hou X, Zhang C, Huo W, Mao Z, Hou J* (co-corresponding author), Wang C*. Effect modification of kitchen ventilation on the associations of solid fuel use and long-duration cooking with the increased prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms: The Henan Rural Cohort Study. Indoor Air. 2022; 32(3):e13016.