学校主页 |

刘利娥 教授










[1] 2014-至今,郑州大学公共卫生学院,教授

[2] 2000-2014,郑州大学 公共卫生学院,副教授

[3] 1994-2000,河南医科大学公共卫生学院讲师

[4] 1991-1994,河南医科大学卫生系助教


[1] 2007-2012,郑州大学 化学工程专业,博士

[2] 1988-1991,河南大学 分析化学专业硕士

[3] 1984-1988,郑州大学 化学专业学士


[1] 河南省科技攻关项目(编号232102311010;年限:2023-2024):基于多重 SERS tags 的新型磁性生物传感器开发及应用研究

[2] 河南省科技攻关项目(编号: 172102210006;年限:2017-2018):量子点荧光免疫分析法在肺癌血清标志群同时检测中的应用

[3] 河南省高等学校精品在线开放课程建设项目(编号:2020-11;年限:2021-2025) :卫生化学

[4] 郑州大学线上课程重点项目(编号 2019XSJPKC005;年限:2019-2020):卫生化学


l 论文

[1] Li-e Liu, Linsheng Xue, Yuling Li, Jiangying Ji, Xinxin Yuan, Hangchen Han, Lihua Ding, Yongjun Wu, Ruiying Yang*. MOFs-derived Co3O4@MnO2@Carbon dots with enhanced nanozymes activity for photoelectrochemical detection of cancer cells in whole blood. Talanta, 266 (2024) 125095

[2] Ruoyu Wu, Jiaping Guo, Minkai Wang, Huimin Liu, Lihua Ding, Ruiying Yang, Li-e Liu*, Zhiyong Liu*, Fluorescent Sensor Based on Magnetic Separation and Strand Displacement Amplification for the Sensitive Detection of Ochratoxin A, ACS Omega, 8(2023)1574115750

[3] Huimin Liu, Guihua Jiang, Li-e Liu *, Linsheng Xue , Yuling Li, Yongjun Wu, Ruiying Yang. Multicomponent Cu@Cu2O@C hybrid-induced photocurrent polarity switching biosensing strategy for the detection of TK1 mRNA, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 372 (2022) 132631

[4] Yameng Wang, Jiaping Guo, Fei Yu,Yongmei Tian, Yongjun Wu, Lingling Cui*, Li-e Liu*. The association between soy-based food and soy isoflavone intake and the risk of gastric cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101 (2021)5314–5324

[5] Jiaping Guo, Yameng Wang, Shanshan Niu, Hongping Li, Yongmei Tian, Songcheng Yu, Fei Yu, Yongjun Wu, Li-e Liu*. Highly Sensitive Fluorescence-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Determination of Human IgG in Serum Using Quantum Dot Nanobeads and Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanospheres, ACS Omega, 5 (2020) 2322923236

[6] Lihua Ding, Xiao Chen, Leiliang He, Fei Yu, Songcheng Yu, Jia Wang, Yongmei Tian, Yilin Wang, Yongjun Wu, Li-e Liu*, Lingbo Qu. Fluorometric immunoassay for simultaneous determination of the tumor markers carcinoembryonic antigen and cytokeratin 19 fragment using two kind of CdSe/ZnS quantum dot nanobeads and magnetic beads. Microchimica Acta187 (2020) 171

[7] Leiliang He, Lihua Ding, Songcheng Yu, Fei Yu, Yongmei Tian, Xinsheng Xie, Lingbo Qu, Lie Liu*, Yongjun Wu. Self-assembled poly-HRP dual signal amplification strategy for high-sensitive detection of circulating miR-142-3p in human serum, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 279 (2019) 440–446

[8] Fei Yu, Ya-min Xiong, Song-cheng Yu, Lei-liang He, Shan-shan Niu, Yu-ming Wu, Jie Liu, Li-e Liu*, Yong-jun Wu, Ling-bo Qu. Magnetic immunoassay using CdSe/ZnS quantum dots as fluorescent probes to detect the level of DNA methyltransferase 1 in human serum sample, International Journal of Nanomedicine13(2018)429-437


l 著作

[1] 刘利娥(主编).分析化学实验. 郑州大学出版社(ISBN  978-7-8110-6706-4),2007

[2] 郗园林(主编),刘利娥(编委). 实验室生物安全. 郑州大学出版社(ISBN  978-7-5645-7805-3),2021

[3] 屈凌波,吴拥军(主编),刘利娥(编委). 食品中有害物质快速分析选论. 郑州大学出版社(ISBN 978-7-5645-6777-4),2019

l 主要获奖情况

[1] 河南省本科教育线上教学优秀课程奖,三等奖(证书编号:豫教[2020]14176号):卫生化学

[2] 河南省教育厅教学信息理论研究与创新应用成果奖:理论研究论文类,二等奖(证书编号:豫教[2019]20509号):卫生化学实验教学模式优化与综合设计实验教学初探

[3] 河南省第三批一流本科课程认定(证书编号:豫教[2022]38279号):卫生化学
