学校主页 |



肖君华,男 1968年出生,博士学历,教授,博士研究生导师。主要研究方向为:复杂性状相关基因研究、分子检测技术的研发。






(1) 2007-07至今,东华大学,生物科学与技术研究所,医学分子遗传研究室,PI教授

(2) 2004-03至2007-07,东华大学,生物科学与技术研究所,医学分子遗传研究室,PI副教授

(3) 2002-05至2007-07,华东理工大学,生物工程学院,生化所,副教授

(4) 2001-04至2001-11,北京博宁生物工程科技有限公司,执行副总裁

(5) 2000-03至2001-04,美国德洲大学休斯顿分校人类遗传中心,博士后

(6) 1989-09至1994-08,江苏省原子医学研究所,从事蛋白同位素标记试剂盒开发

4. 主要学术荣誉和学术兼职




(1) 国家重点研发计划,2018YFA0801101,标准化突变小鼠品系建立与质控,2019-09 至 2024-08,80万,参与

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31772550,基于野生型来源1号染色体替换系的自发性血脂模型的建立与机制研究,2018-01至2021.12,60万,参与

(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31371257,利用野生小家鼠来源1号染色体替换系群体进行血脂代谢的系统遗传学研究,2014-01至2017-12,80万,主持

(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31071090,中国野生小家鼠群体遗传结构基本框架的研究,2011-01至2013-12,34万,主持

(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,30771191,小鼠性发育启动调控基因的精细定位和克隆  2008-01至2010-12,28万,主持

(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目,30300198 ,中国人女性真性性早熟相关基因的研究, 2004-01至2006-12,20万,主持


复杂性状相关基因的研究:利用小鼠模式动物开展性发育调控基因的研究,我们利用定位克隆原理发现了一个调控雌性小鼠发育的相关基因(MirRNA 505),并进一步验证了改小RNA基因的靶点基因SF2的功能,目前正在解析被SF2调控的下游基因网络。同样,我们利用小鼠模型发现了调控后肢发育的Pbx4基因,并在进一步解析该基因调控的下游网络。




(1) Fuyi Xu, Maochun Wang, Shixian Hu, Yuxun Zhou, John Collyer, Kai Li, Hongyan Xu, and Junhua Xiao*. "Candidate Regulators of Dyslipidemia in Chromosome 1 Substitution Lines Using Liver Co-Expression Profiling Analysis." Frontiers in Genetics 10 (2020): 1258.

(2) Omariba, Gideon, Fuyi Xu, Maochun Wang, Kai Li, Yuxun Zhou, and Junhua Xiao*. "Genome-Wide Analysis of MicroRnA-related Single nucleotide polymorphisms (Snps) in Mouse Genome." Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 1-9.

(3) Xiaoning Li, Junhua Xiao, Kai Li, and Yuxun Zhou (2020). MiR-199-3p modulates the onset of puberty in rodents probably by regulating the expression of Kiss1 via the p38 MAPK pathway. Mol Cell Endocrinol,

(4) Xiaoning Li, Junhua Xiao, Yating Fan, Kan Yang, Kai Li, Xin Wang, Yanhua Lu, Yuxun Zhou (2019). miR-29 family regulates the puberty onset mediated by a novel Gnrh1 transcription factor TBX21. J Endocrinol, 242(3), 185-197.

(5) Maochun Wang, Fuyi Xu, Ke Chen, Xiaoning Li, Kai Li, Yuxun Zhou, and Junhua Xiao*. "A multiplex SNP genotyping by allele‐specificspecific PCR based on stem‐loop and universal fluorescent primers of Chr1daxin mice." Electrophoresis 40, no. 11 (2019): 1600-1605.

(6) Xiaoning Li, Sijia Wang, Yanhua Lu, Huanhuan Yin, Junhua Xiao, Kai Li, Lei Ma, Yuxun Zhou (2018). A dual fluorescent reporter system for high throughput screening of effectors of kiss1 gene expression. Febs Open Bio, 8(8), 1352-1363.

(7) Ke Chen, Shuangshuang Dong, Nan Wu, Zhihong Wu, Yuxun Zhou, Kai Li, Feng Zhang*, Junhua Xiao*. A novel multiplex fluorescent competitive PCR for copy number variation detection[J]. Genomics(IF 3.160), 2018 Dec 4. pii: S0888-7543(18)30284-2.

(8) Yuxun Zhou, Li Tong, Maochun Wang, Xueying Chang, Sijia Wang, Kai Li and Junhua Xiao*,MiR-505-3p is a Repressor of the Puberty Onset in Female Mice,Journal of Endocrinology(IF 4.381), 2018, 240(3): 379-392

(9) Xiaoning Li, Sijia Wang, Yanhua Lu, Huanhuan Yin, Junhua Xiao, Kai Li, Lei Ma and Yuxun Zhou*, A dual fluorescence reporter system for high throughput screening of effectors of Kiss1 gene expression. FEBS Bio Open. doi:10.1002/2211-5463.12476.

(10) Gideon Omariba, Li Tong, Maochun Wang, Kai Li, Junhua Xiao and Yuxun Zhou*, Characterization of the dynamic change of microRNA expression in mice hypothalamus during the time of female puberty. Genes & Genomics, 2018, 40: 295~304.

(11) Kan Yang, Li Tong, Kai Li, Junhua Xiao, Yuxun Zhou*, A SRSF1 self-binding mechanism restrains Mir505-3p from inhibiting proliferation of neural tumor cell lines. antCancer Drugs, 2018, 29: 40-49.  

(12) Maochun Wang, Li Tong, Sijia Wang, Kai Li, Junhua Xiao*, Yuxun Zhou*, A Multiplex Sensitive Quantification of MicroRNAs Based on Competitive PCR. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2017, 2 22(1):   95~99.

(13) Fuyi Xu, Shixian Hu, Tianzhu Chao, Maochun Wang, Kai Li, Yuxun Zhou,  Hongyan Xu,  Junhua Xiao*. Sequence analysis of chromosome 1 revealed different selection patterns between Chinese wild mice and laboratory strains. Molecular genetics and genomics, DOI:10.1007/s00438-017-1335-z,2017

(14) Kan Yang, Bin Yu, Cheng Cheng, Tianlin Cheng, Bo Yuan, Kai Li, Junhua Xiao, Zilong Qiu & Yuxun Zhou*. Mir505–3p regulates axonal development via inhibiting the autophagy pathway by targetingAtg12. Autophagy,doi.org/10.1080/15548627.2017.1353841, 2017

(15) Ke Chen, Yuxun Zhou, Kai Li, Junhua Xiao*. Multiplex PCR with the blunt hairpin primers for next generation sequencing. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 22:347-351. 2017

(16) Fuyi Xu, Tianzhu Chao, Yiyin Zhang, Shixian Hu, Yuxun Zhou, Hongyan Xu, Junhua Xiao*, and Kai Li*. Chromosome 1 Sequence Analysis of  C57BL/6J-Chr1KM Mouse Strain. International Journal of Genomics. Volume 2017, Article ID 1712530, 9 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1712530

(17) Fuyi Xu, Tianzhu Chao, Yingming Liang, Kai Li, Shixian Hu, Maochun Wang, Yuxun Zhou, Hongyan Xu, Junhua Xiao*. Genome Sequencing of Chromosome 1 Substitution Lines Derived from Chinese Wild Mice Revealed a Unique Resource for Genetic Studies of Complex Traits. G3 (Bethesda). doi:10.1534/g3.116.033902,2016

(18) Ke Chen,Yuxun Zhou,Kai Li,Lixin Qi,Qifei Zhang,Maochun Wang,Junhua Xiao*. A novel three-round multiplex PCR for SNP genotyping with next generation sequencing. Anal Bioanal Chem, 408:4371–4377, 2016

(19) Li Tong,Huihui Xue, Li Xiong, Junhua Xiao, Yuxun Zhou*. Improved RT-PCR Assay to Quantitate the Pri-, Pre-, and Mature microRNAs with Higher Efficiency and Accuracy. Mol Biotechnol, 57:939–946, 2015

(20) Yuxun Zhou, Yinming Liang, Kai Li, Xiong Bai, Guoqiang Chen, Zhenghong Xing and Junhua Xiao. The phenotypic distribution of quantitative traits in a wild mouse F1 population.  Mamm Genome, 23:232–240, 2012

(21) Yuxun Zhou, Qinghua Guan, Kai Li, Lingyun Tao, Jianhua Hu, and Junhua Xiao*. Dissection of the maternal effects on puberty onset by embryo transplantation in mouse. J Endocrinolog Invest. 35:676-680, 2012.

(22) Jia Li, Lihui Lin, JuanWang, Xia Peng, Yanan Liu, Junhua Xiao, Yuxun Zhou*, Li Li. Quantitative analysis of multiple genes’ expressions based on a novel competitive RT-PCR assay. Anal Bioanal Chem. DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6518-1, 2012

(23) Xianhuan Jiang, Jun Gao, Liju Ni, Jianhua Hu, Kai Li, Fengping Sun, Jianyun Xie, Xiong Bo, Chen Gao, Junhua Xiao, Yuxun Zhou*. The complete mitochondrial genome of Microtus fortis calamorum (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) and its phylogenetic analysis. Gene. 498: 288-295, 2012

(24) Zhourui Tang, Kai Li, Yuxun Zhou*, Zhenxian Xiao, Junhua Xiao, Rui Huang, Guohao Gu. Comparative quantification of human intestinal bacteria based on cPCR and LDR/LCR World J Gastroenterology. 18(3): 268-274, 2012

(25) 陈烨,李凯,周宇荀*,肖君华. 小鼠基因转录表达分析中内参基因的优选。中国实验动物学报,19(3):197-202, 2011

(26) Ying Zhao, Ting Chen, Yuxun Zhou, Kai Li, Junhua Xiao*, An association study between the genetic polymorphisms within GnRHI, LHβand FSHβgenes and central precocious puberty in Chinese girls. Neuroscience Letters 486: 188–192, 2010

(27) Junhua Xiao*, Yinming Liang, Kai Li, Yuxuan Zhou, Wenqian Cai, Yumei Zhou, Ying Zhao, Zhenghong Xing, Guoqiang Chen and Li Jin. A novel strategy for genetic dissection of complex traits: the population of specific chromosome substitution strains from laboratory and wild mice. Mamm Genome Vol 21, 370-376, 2010

(28) Liya Zhao, Kai Li, Shimin Bao, Yuxun Zhou, Yinming Liang, Guoji Zhao, Ye Chen and Junhua Xiao. A 1-bp deletion in the γC-crystallin leads to dominant cataracts in mice. Mamm Genome Vol 21, 361-369, 2010

(29) YongZhong Wang, JunHua Xiao, LiHua Ruan, HuiYin Zhang, Min Chen, XiangKe Pu, HongYu Shen, GuoXiang Wu. Detection of the rtA181V/T and rtN236T mutations associated with resistance to adefovir dipivoxil using a ligase detection reaction assay. Clinica Chimica Acta 408: 70–74,2009

(30) 王勤熙, 李凯*, 周宇荀, 肖君华. 基于荧光通用引物的多重定量RT-PCR基因表达谱分析平台的构建、优化及其应用. 遗传, 31 (5): 552―561,2009

(31) Jianhui Wang,Minghui Yu,Kai Li, Junhua Xiao,Yuxun Zhou*. Improved PCR-BSP Assay for Multiplex Methylation Pattern Analysis in Minimal Amount of DNA. Mol Biotechnol 42(3): 333-340,2009

(32) Li Kai, Bei Chen, Yuxun Zhou, Rui Huang, Yinming Liang, Qinxi Wang, Zhenxian Xiao, Junhua Xiao*. Multiplex quantification of 16S rDNA of predominant bacteria group within human fecal samples by polymerase chain reaction-ligase detection reaction (PCR-LDR). Journal of Microbiological Methods, 76: 289-294,2009

(33) Wangsheng Zhu, Zhongpeng Fan, Chao Zhang, Zhengxia Guo, Ying Zhao, Yuxun Zhou,Kai Li, Zhenghong Xing, Guoqiang Chen, Yinming Liang, Li Jin, Junhua Xiao*,A Dominant X-Linked QTL Regulating Pubertal Timing in Mice Found by Whole Genome Scanning and Modified Interval-Specific Congenic Strain Analysis  PLoS ONE,8(3): e3021,2008

(34) MingXing He, Kai Li , JunHua Xiao, YuXun Zhou,Rapid bio-barcode assay for multiplex DNA detection based on capillary DNA Analyzer Journal of Virological Methods 151 :126–131,2008

(35) 范忠鹏, 朱旺升, 张超, 周宇荀,李凯, 梁银明, 邢正宏, 陈国强, 柏熊, 肖君华*. 荧光-构象敏感凝胶电泳技术筛查上海市郊区野生小家鼠线粒体编码区SNP位点. 遗传,30(4):475-482,2008

(36) Xiaohui Luan, Hong Yu, X. Wei, Yuxun Zhou, Wei Wang, Pin Li, Xiaohong Gan, Dongzhi Wei and Junhua Xiao*, GPR54 Polymorphisms in Chinese Girls with Central Precocious Puberty, Neuroendocrinology 86:77–83,2007

(37) Xiaohui Luan, Yuxun Zhou, Wei Wang, Hong Yu, Pin Li, Xiaohong Gan, Dongzhi Wei and Junhua Xiao*, Association study of the polymorphisms in the KISS1 gene with central precocious puberty in Chinese girls European Journal of Endocrinology 157 113–118,2007

(38) Yuxun Zhou, Wangsheng Zhu, Zhengxia Guo, Ying Zhao, Zijun Song,Junhua Xiao*,  Effects of Maternal Nuclear Genome on the Timing of Puberty of offspring in Mice Journal of Endocrinology 193:405-412,2007

(39) 郭正霞,周宇荀,胡亚慧,肖君华*. 哺乳期营养状况对小鼠性发育启动时间的影响研究 华东理工大学学报Vol.33(2):186-189, 2007

(40) ZhenXian Xiao, HuiMin Cao, XiaoHui Luan, JianLong Zhao, DongZhi Wei, JunHua Xiao*, Effects of Additives on Efficiency and Specificity of Ligase Detection Reaction  Molecular Biotechnology  February  Vol 35(2):129-134, 2007

(41) Yichuan Xiao, Yuxun Zhou, Jianhui Wang, Gang Wang, Minghui Yu, Jian Jin, Junhua Xiao*, Selection and identification of GnRH promoter binding peptide by phage display-CEMSA Journal of Molecular Recognition. Vol.20(1), Pages 51-57, 2007

(42) Junhua Xiao, Xiujuan Xin, Xiaohui Luan, Dongzhi Wei, Shengli Yang. A modified simple RFLP-PCR method for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing. Genet. Mol. Biol, vol.29, no.3, p.562-565, 2006

(43) 张世扬,肖振贤,赵建龙,肖君华*,曹慧敏. 基于连接酶检测反应的并行分型系统检测AGT M235T和ACE I/D基因多态性,华东理工大学学报Vol.32(9):1050-1054, 2006  

(44) Xiujuan Xin, Junhua Xiao *, Xiaohui Luan, Yunxun Zhou, Daru Lu, Dongzhi Wei, Shengli Yang. Association study of six activity SNPS in adrenal steroid hormone metabolism and IBM related genes with precocious puberty in Chinese girls. Neuro Endocrinol Lett Apr 25;27(1-2):219-224,2006

(45) Junhua Shi, Yuxun Zhou, Minglei He, Jian Jin, Yichuan Xiao, Junhua Xiao*, and Dongzhi Wei. Synthesis of a novel 18b-glycyrrhetinic acid derivative. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol. 42(3):325-327,2006 (ISSN: 0009-3130)

(46) Zhenxian Xiao, Junhua Xiao, Yuexing Jiang, Shiyang Zhang, Minghui Yu, Jianlong Zhao, Dongzhi Wei, Huimin Cao. A Novel Method Based on Ligase Detection Reaction for Low Abundant YIDD Mutants Detection in Hepatitis B Virus. Hepatology Research 34 :150–155,2006. (ISSN: 1386-6346)
