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时松和 教授








l 工作经历

[1]. 2015.12-至今郑州大学公共卫生学院教授

[2]. 2008.12-2015.12,郑州大学公共卫生学院副教授

[3]. 2003.12-2008.12,郑州大学公共卫生学院,高级实验师

[4]. 1995.12-2003.12,郑州大学公共卫生学院,实验师

l 教育经历

[1]. 2005.1-2008.1,华东师范大学,软件工程,硕士

[2]. 1987.9-1990.9,中国科技大学,计算机应用


l 学术荣誉




l 学术兼职






[1] 国家重点研发计划项目 “MRI设备及其临床应用评价研究”-MRI 设备及其临床应用信息管理平台构建,2016.10

[2] 世界银行“中国经济改革促进与能力加强”项目(TCC6)“河南省医养结合政策、机制及模式研究”-医疗卫生与养老服务衔接融合研究,2018.10


l 论文

[1] Haojie Li, Zhan Shi, Xuejiao Chen, Junjie Wang, Jiacheng Ding, Shuoji Geng, Xinyuan Sheng and Songhe Shi1*. Relationship between obesity indicators and hypertension–diabetes comorbidity in an elderly population: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Geriatrics. 2023. (中科院2, IF=4.1).

[2] Haojie Li, Zhan Shi, Xuejiao Chen, Junjie Wang, Jiacheng Ding, Shuoji Geng, Xinyuan Sheng, Songhe Shi*. Relationship Between Six Insulin Resistance Surrogates and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Among Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study Diabetes. Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity. 2023. (中科院4, IF=3.3).

[3] Jiacheng Ding, Xuejiao Chen, Zhan Shi, Kaizhi Bai, Songhe Shi*. Association of Metabolically Healthy Obesity and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Adults in China: A Retrospective Cohort Study Diabetes. Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity. 2023. (中科院4, IF=3.3).

[4] Jiacheng Ding, Xuejiao Chen, Zhan Shi, Kaizhi Bai and Songhe Shi*. Association of body roundness index and its trajectories with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among a Chinese middle-aged and older population: A retrospective cohort study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023. (中科院3, IF=5.2).

[5] Kaizhi Bai, Xuejiao Chen, Rui Song, Wenlong Shi and Songhe Shi*. Association of body mass index and waist circumference with type 2 diabetes mellitus in older adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics. 2022. (中科院2区, IF=4.1).

[6] Kaizhi Bai, Xuejiao Chen, Zhan Shi, Kun He, Xueqi Hu, Rui Song, Wenlong Shi, Qingfeng Tian and Songhe Shi*. Hypertension modifes the associations of body mass index and waist circumference with all-cause mortality among older Chinese: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Geriatrics. 2022. (中科院2, IF=4.1).

[7] Rui Song, Xuejiao Chen, Kun He, Xueqi Hu, Kaizhi Bai, Wenlong Shi and Songhe Shi*. Associations of BMI with all-cause mortality in normoglycemia, impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes mellitus among an elderly Chinese population: a cohort study. BMC Geriatrics. 2022. (中科院2, IF=4.1).

[8] Kun He, Wenli Zhang, Xueqi Hu, Hao Zhao, Bingxin Guo, Zhan Shi, Xiaoyan Zhao, Chunyu Yin and Songhe Shi*. Relationship between multimorbidity, disease cluster and all-cause mortality among older adults: a retrospective cohort analysis. BMC Public Health. 2021. (中科院2, IF=4.1).

[9] K. He, X. Chen, Z. Shi, S. Shi*, Q. Tian, X. Hu, R. Song, K. Bai, W. Shi, J. Wang, H. Li, J. Ding, S. Geng, X. Sheng. Relationship of resting heart rate and blood pressure with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. Public Health. 2022. (中科院1, IF=5.2).

[10] Kun He, Wenli Zhang, Xueqi Hu, Hao Zhao, Rui Song, Kaizhi Bai, Wenlong Shi, Songhe Shi*, Zhan Shi, and Mingshu Yan. Stronger Associations of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference with Diabetes than Waist-Height Ratio and Triglyceride Glucose Index in the Middle-Aged and Elderly Population: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2022. (中科院3, IF=4.3).

[11] Hao ZHAO, Xue-Ning ZHANG1, Zhan SHI, Ling YI , Wen-Li ZHANG, Kun HE, Xue-Qi HU, Xiao-Yan ZHAO3, Song-He SHI*, Association of level of leisure-time physical activity with risks of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease in an elderly Chinese population: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology. 2020. (中科院3, IF=2.5).

[12] Hao Zhao, Xuening Zhang, Zhan Shi, Bingxin Guo, Wenli Zhang, Kun He, Xueqi Hu, Songhe Shi*. Identification of a Prognostic Signature Model with Tumor Microenvironment for predicting Disease-free Survival after Radical Prostatectomy. Journal of Cancer. 2021. (中科院2, IF=3.9).

[13] Wenli Zhang, Kun He, Hao Zhao, Xueqi Hu, Chunyu Yin, Xiaoyan Zhao and Songhe Shi1*.  Association of body mass index and waist circumference with high blood pressure in older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 2021. (中科院2, IF=4.1).

[14] Chen Huanan, Li Sangsang, Bo Yacong, Chen Xuejiao, Shi Zhan, Wan Guodong, Huang Jian, Shi Songhe*, Lyu Quanjun. Relationship between triglyceride glucose index and the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the elderly: a retrospective cohort study in China. BMJ Open. 2020. (中科院2, IF=2.9)

[15] Sangsang Li, Qingfeng Tian, Junxing Fan, Zhan Shi, Bingxin Guo, Huanan Chen, Yapeng Li, Songhe Shi*. Hospital use in survivors of transient ischaemic attack compared with survivors of stroke in central China: a nested case–control study. BMJ Open. 2019. (中科院2, IF=2.9)

[16] Sangsang Li, Bingxin Guo, Huanan Chen, Zhan Shi, Yapeng Li, Qingfeng Tian Songhe Shi*. The role of the triglyceride (triacylglycerol) glucose index in the development of cardiovascular events: a retrospective cohort analysis. Scientific Reports. 2019. (中科院2, IF=4.6)

[17] Bingxin Guo, Zhan Shi, Wenli Zhang, Hao Zhao, Kun He, Xueqi Hu, Yuan Gan, Songhe Shi *, Qingfeng Tian. Trajectories of body mass index (BMI) and hypertension risk among middle-aged and elderly Chinese people. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2020. (中科院2, IF=2.8)

l 著作(近几年)

[1].时松和 主编. SPSS医学数据分析教程(卫生统计学实习指导)郑州大学资助教材. 郑州郑州大学出版社. 2023.

[2].时松和 主编.河南省第六次国家卫生服务统计调查报告, 郑州郑州大学出版社. 2022年.

[3].时松和 主编.河南省医养结合政策机制及模式研究,郑州郑州大学出版社. 2021年.

[4].时松和 副主编.医学计算机应用(国家卫健委十三五规划教材) 6版,北京:人民卫生版社.2018年。

[5]时松和 副主编.健康信息管理(国家卫健委十三五规划教材),北京:人民卫生出版社.2018年。

[6]时松和 副主编.医学计算机应用(国家卫健委十三五规划教材) 3,北京:人民卫生出版社.2018年。

l 代表成果

[1].河南省科技进步二等奖:艾滋病综合防治居民健康档案信息管理平台设计与应用(2014-J-133-R03/10). 2014年. 第2.



