学校主页 |

平智广 教授








l 工作经历

[1] 2021-至今,郑州大学公共卫生学院,教授

[2] 2013-2021,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,副教授

[3] 2006-2012,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,讲师

l 教育经历

[1] 2003-2006,西安交通大学,公共卫生学院,博士


l 学术荣誉


l 国内学会与学术期刊

[1] 《中华医学杂志》通讯编委

[2] 《河南医学研究》编委

[3] 《现代疾病预防控制》编委

[4] 河南省医学传播学会理事

[5] 河南省医学会临床流行病学与循证医学分会委员

[6] 中国统计教育学会会员。


[1] 河南省高等学校重点科研资助项目 (编号:23B330005; 年限:2023-2024):基于贝叶斯网络的米色脂肪产热功能模块内相关基因甲基化互作与肥胖的关系

[2] 河南省科技攻关项目 (编号:172102310373; 年限:2017-2019):FTO基因与肥胖、糖尿病等慢性非传染病关联的文本数据挖掘

[3] 河南省自然基金(编号:182300410303;年限:2018-2019):肥胖及其相关疾病与基因、环境因素关联的网络模型

[4] 河南省青年骨干教师培育计划(编号: 2017GGJS012;年限:2018-2020):基因、环境因素与肥胖及其相关疾病关系的网络模型

[5] 河南省高等学校重点科研资助项目(编号:16A330003;年限:2015-2016):FTO基因SNPs致肥胖遗传模式研究及软件开发

[6] 国家自然科学基金委员会(编号:81001280;年限:2011-2013):棕色脂肪细胞分化、凋亡、产热相关基因的基因-基因、基因-环境交互作用致肥胖研究

[7] 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师)(编号:20094101120011,年限:2010-2012):腹型肥胖易感基因筛选及高危人群的双向队列研究

[8] 河南省科技攻关项目 (编号:112102310198; 年限:2012-2014):PRDM16及CIDEC基因的基因-基因、基因-环境交互作用致肥胖研究


l 论文

[1] Yang Xueke, Xi Lijing, Guo Zhaoyan, Liu Li, Ping Zhiguang. The relationship between cadmium and cognition in the elderly: a systematic review[J]. Annals of Human Biology, 2023, 50(1):15-25.

[2] Yang Xueke , Liu Li , Xi Lijing , Wu Binbin , Ku Chaoyue , Wang Ruizhe , Dai Man , Ping Zhiguang Trends in Total Cholesterol control among American Adults with hypercholesterolemia, 1988-2018[J]. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2023, 33(8):1511-1520.

[3] Ku Chaoyue, Yang Xueke., Xi Lijing, Wang Rruizhe, Wu Binbin, Dai Man, Liu Li, Ping Zhiguang. Competing risks analysis of external versus internal radiation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after controlling for immortal time bias[J]. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2023, 149(12):9927-9935.

[4] Xi Lijing, Yang Xueke, Wang Ruizhe, Ku Chaoyue, Wu Binbin, Dai Man, Liu Li, Ping Zhiguang. Waist Circumference-Years Construct Analysis and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: China Health and Nutrition Survey, 1997-2015[J]. Nutrients, 2022, 14(21).

[5] Ping Z. G., Guo Z. Y., Lu M., Chen Y. Z., Liu L. Association of CIDEB gene promoter methylation with overweight or obesity in adults[J]. Aging-Us, 2022, 14(8):3607-3616.

[6] Guo Z., Wang J., Tian X., Fang Z., Gao Y., Ping Z., Liu L. Body mass index increases the recurrence risk of breast cancer: a dose-response meta-analysis from 21 prospective cohort studies[J]. Public health, 2022, 210:26-33.

[7] Wang Junyi, Liu Li, Cai Yaning, Gao Yang, Guo Zhaoyan, Yu Fangfang, Ping Zhiguang. Trends in the age-related incidence of colon and rectal cancers in China, 2005–2015[J]. Digestive and Liver Disease, 2021, 53(7):908-914.

[8] Liu Li, Chen Yuansi, Chen Jiaxin, Lu Ming, Guo Rui, Han Jiajia, Zhang Yu, Pei Xiaoting, Ping Zhiguang. The relationship between PRDM16 promoter methylation in abdominal subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue and obesity[J]. Clinical Nutrition, 2021, 40(4):2278-2284.

[9] He Feifan, Wang Junyi, Liu Li, Qin Xiaoyue, Wan Zhanyong, Li Wei, Ping Zhiguang. Esophageal cancer: trends in incidence and mortality in China from 2005 to 2015[J]. Cancer Medicine, 2021, 10(5):1839-1847.

[10] Guo Zhaoyan, Liu Li, Yu Fangfang, Cai Yaning, Wang Junyi, Gao Yang, Ping Zhiguang. The causal association between body mass index and type 2 diabetes mellitus—evidence based on regression discontinuity design[J]. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 2021, 37(8):e3455.

[11] Wang Junyi, Yu Fangfang, Shang Yanna, Ping Zhiguang, Liu Li. Thyroid cancer: incidence and mortality trends in China, 2005–2015[J]. Endocrine, 2020, 68(1):163-173.

[12] Wang Junyi, Cai Yaning, Yu Fangfang, Ping Zhiguang, Liu Li. Body mass index increases the lymph node metastasis risk of breast cancer: a dose-response meta-analysis with 52904 subjects from 20 cohort studies[J]. BMC cancer, 2020, 20(1):601.

[13] Cai Yaning, Liu Li, Wang Junyi, Gao Yang, Guo Zhaoyan, Ping Zhiguang. Linear association between grip strength and all-cause mortality among the elderly: results from the SHARE study[J]. Aging clinical and experimental research, 2020, 33(4):933-941.

[14] Pei Xiaoting., Liu Li., Cai Yaning., Peng Yu., Ma Changyang., Jin Yuanyuan., Ping Zhiguang. Body mass index cut-off points for predicting chronic non-communicable disease should differ by gender and age group[J]. Public health, 2019, 175:54-59.

[15] Ping Zhiguang, Pei Xiaoting, Xia Peige, Chen Yuansi, Guo Rui, Hu Chenxi, Imam Mustapha Umar, Chen Yanzi, Sun Panpan, Liu Li. Anthropometric indices as surrogates for estimating abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue: A meta-analysis with 16,129 participants[J]. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2018, 143:310-319.

[16] 王睿哲, 奚丽婧, 杨雪珂, 库超越, 吴彬彬, 代漫, 平智广. 模拟目标试验在真实世界中的应用:他汀类药物对糖尿病患者死亡率的影响[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2023, 44(9):1480-1485.

[17] 郭昭艳, 刘莉, 余方方, 王俊义, 高杨, 平智广. 断点回归设计在流行病学研究中的应用[J]. 中华预防医学杂志, 2021, 55(9):1168-1172.

[18] 裴晓婷, 焦新伟, 平智广*. 转录组数据的图形呈现[J]. 中华预防医学杂志, 2020, 54( 05):586-592.

[19] 王俊义, 平智广*. 频率分布的图形呈现[J]. 中华预防医学杂志, 2019, 53(11):1188-1192.

[20] 蔡亚宁, 裴晓婷, 孙盼盼, 徐亦平, 刘莉, 平智广*. 基于有序聚类分析法探讨成年人体质指数的年龄和性别分布特征[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2018, 39(6):821-825.

l 奖励

[1] 平智广(1/8),棕色脂肪分化、凋亡、产热相关基因的交互作用致肥胖研究,河南省卫生健康委员会,河南医学科技奖一等奖,2020

