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吴建 教授




邮箱:jianwu17@163.com; wujian@zzu.edu.cn




承担国家重点研发计划、世界银行、亚洲开发银行等政府和国际组织研究50余项,在BMJ Global Health、Social Science and Medicine等学术期刊发表高质量论文120余篇,拥有国内外发明专利项,主持成果获得河南省科学技术进步二等奖、河南省医学教育优秀教学成果一等奖、河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、河南省应急管理与安全生产优秀论文一等奖等荣誉

兼任《中国医院管理》、《中国卫生政策研究》BMJ Global Health、International Journal for Equity in Health等学术期刊编委或审稿人。


WU Jian, Ph.D., Professor and Dean, College of Public Health Zhengzhou University. Distinguished Professor of Henan Province. A Global Health visiting scholar of School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Tulane University. Director General of Henan Province Engineering Research Center for Health Economy and Health Technology Assessment.

He has long been engaged in the health system, health economy and health insurance research. He is member of the Expert Advisory Committee of “Health China Action Promotion Committee” of State Council, Leader of National Health Insurance Expert Group Supported by Asian Development Bank, National expert for international health program, National Health Commission consultants on Tiered Healthcare System & Medical Consortium construction, Executive Director of China Health Economics Association, Member of DIP payment method reform expert group of Henan Province, Vice Chairman of Expert Committee of Stroke Prevention and Control of Henan Province Vice President of Henan Medical Equipment Association. He has presided over the drafting of the Outline of the “Healthy Henan 2030 Planning”, “The 14th Five-Year Plan for Public Health System and National Health in Henan Province”.

He served as PI for more than 50 research grants and contracts support by National Key R&D Program, National Health Commission, World Bank and Asian Development Bank. Published more than 120 SCIE academic papers, 16 books, received more than 10 research awards. He also owns a number of domestic and foreign invention patents. In 2020, his research work "Construction and Application of Comprehensive Reform Mode of Medical Service Payment System Based on Group Payment of Diseases" won the Top Prize of Science and Technology Progress Awards in Henan Province.

Served as editorial board member or reviewer of BMJ Global Health, International Journal for Equity in Health, Chinese Hospital Management, Chinese Health Policy Research, and other academic journals.

E-mail: wujian@zzu.edu.cn; jianwu17@163.com

Mail Address: 100 Science Avenue, College of Public Health, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou City, P.R. China 450001
