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邮箱:yjxin@zzu.edu.cn / yjxinzzu@163.com


辛永娟:女,1985年10月出生,博士。 2015年毕业于中科院上海生科院神经科学研究所获博士学位后参加工作,2022年赴新加坡科技研究局分子与细胞研究所访学1年。目前从事营养与疾病、儿少卫生与妇幼保健学的教学与科研工作,近年来主持和参加科研课题6项,其中参与国家自然科学基金课题3项,主持河南省自然科学基金和卫健委课题各1项。参编人民卫生出版社《儿童少年卫生学学习指导和习题集》第3版。获“第八届全国大学生基础医学创新研究暨实验设计论坛”三等奖指导教师,郑州大学优秀党员,郑州大学“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖指导教师。



[1] 2022-2023,新加坡科技研究局,分子与细胞研究所,访问学者

[2] 2015-至今,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,教师


[1] 2009-2015,中科院上海生科院神经科学研究所,硕博连读

[2] 2005-2009,华中师范大学,生命科学,本科


l 国内学会与学术期刊

[1] 河南省预防医学会儿少卫生专业委员会委员

[2] 中国生物物理学会生物微量元素分会委员


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:82173491;年限:2022-2025)矽肺发病中肺成纤维细胞转分化关键转录因子筛选及其调控机制研究,第1参与人

[2] 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(编号:32171171;年限:2022-2025)锰转运蛋白SLC39通过铁死亡调控肝损伤的机制研究,第1参与人

[3] 河南省自然科学基金青年项目(编号:212300410274;年限:2021-2022)转运蛋白Slc39a14缺失导致神经损伤的机制研究,主持

[4] 河南省卫健委医学教育研究项目(编号:Wjlx2020367;年限:2020-2022)专题设计的互动式教学模式在儿少卫生学实验课中的应用,主持

[5] 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(编号:81773384;年限:2018-2021)内质网应激在微囊藻毒素致雌性生殖细胞自噬与凋亡中的作用及机制,第2参与人


l 论文

[1] Weiwei Liu#, Yongjuan Xin#, Qianwen Li, Yanna Shang, Zhiguang Ping, Junxia Min, Catherine M. Cahill, Jack T. Rogers* and Fudi Wang*. Biomarkers of environmental manganese exposure and associations with childhood neurodevelopment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Health. 2020, 19, 104. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-020-00659-x

[2] Yuzhen Qiang#, Qianwen Li#, Yongjuan Xin, Xuexian Fang, Yongmei Tian, Jifei Ma, Jianyao Wang, Qingqing Wang, Ruochen Zhang, Junhao Wang, Fudi Wang. * Intake of Dietary One-Carbon Metabolism-Related B Vitamins and the Risk of Esophageal Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2018. Jun 27;10(7):835. doi: 10.3390/nu10070835.

[3] Vivek Venkataramani, Thorsten R Doeppner, Desiree Willkommen, Catherine M Cahill, Yongjuan Xin, Guilin Ye, Yanyan Liu, Adam Southon, Allegra Aron, Ho Yu Au-Yeung, Xudong Huang, Debomoy K Lahiri, Fudi Wang, Ashley I Bush, Gerald G Wulf, Philipp Ströbel, Bernhard Michalke, Jack T Rogers. Manganese causes neurotoxic iron accumulation via translational repression of amyloid precursor protein and H-Ferritin. J Neurochem. 2018 Dec;147(6):831-848. doi: 10.1111/jnc.14580.

[4] Yongjuan Xin#, Hong Gao#, Jia Wang#, Yuzhen Qiang, Mustapha Umar Imam, Yang Li, Jianyao Wang, Ruochen Zhang, Huizhen Zhang, Yingying Yu, Hao Wang, Haiyang Luo, Changhe Shi, Yuming Xu, Shintaro Hojyo, Toshiyuki Fukada, Junxia Min, Fudi Wang. *Manganese transporter Slc39a14 deficiency revealed its key role in maintaining manganese homeostasis in mice. Cell Discov. 2017. Jul 18;3:17025. doi: 10.1038/celldisc.2017.25.

[5] Shenshen Zhang*, Chuanrui Liu*, Yang Li, Mustapha Umar Imam, Hui Huang, Haohao Liu, Yongjuan Xin, Huizhen Zhang. Novel role of ER stress and autophagy in Microcystin-LR induced apoptosis in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016. 7:527. doi:  10.3389/fphys.2016.00527

[6] Hui Huang*, Chuanrui Liu*, Xiaoli Fu*, Shenshen Zhang, Yongjuan Xin, Yang Li, Lijian Xue, Xuemin Cheng and Huizhen Zhang,(2016) Microcystin-LR Induced Apoptosis in Rat Sertoli cells via the Mitochondrial Caspase-dependent Pathway: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016 7:397. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00397.

[7] Xin, Y.-J, Yuan, B., and Qiu, Z.* Tet1-mediated DNA demethylation regulates neuronal cell death induced by oxidative stress. Sci.Rep. 2015. 5, 7645; DOI:10.1038/srep07645 (Highlighted by Faculty of 100, Must read paper in 2015) (One of the top 100 read Scientific Reports articles in 2015.)

[8] Lv, J., Xin, Y.-J, Zhou, W., and Qiu, Z.* The epigenetic switches for neural development and psychiatric disorders. J. Genet. Genomics. 2013.40: 339-346.

[9] Cheng, J., Huang, M., Zhu, Y., Xin, Y.-J, Zhao, Y., Huang, J., Yu, J., Zhou, W.*, and Qiu, Z.* SUMOylation of MeCP2 is essential for transcriptional rep ression and hippocampal synapse development. J. Neurochem. 2013.128:798-806.