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[1] 2022-至今,郑州大学公共卫生学院副研究员


[1] 2018-2022武汉大社会医学与卫生事业管理专业,博士导师:王培刚教授

[2] 2019-2020,麻省大学医学院联合培养博士,导师:王波教授

[3] 2015-2018武汉大学流行病与卫生统计学专业,硕士导师:燕虹教授

[4] 2010-2015山西医科大学预防医学本科


[1] 国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心委托项目,习近平总书记公立医院改革与高质量发展论述研究,20230296B2023.12-至今3.5万元,主持

[2] 河南省卫生健康委员会委托项目,基于生活方式干预的高血压三级医防融合防治体系构建与应用20230015B,2023.01-至今,16万元,主持

[3] 平顶山市卫生健康委员会委托项目,平顶山市紧密型县域医共体建设效果评估:基于需方视角20230739A,2023.10-至今,8万元,主持

[4] 郑州大学科研启动基金,基于社会生态学模型和机器学习的青少年抑郁风险预测模型2022.08-2023.12,10万元,主持

[5] 中国科协高端科技创新智库青年项目,突发公共卫生事件科研热点及其衰减模式:基于大数据的分析20200608CG080611,2020.08-2021.06,10万元,主持

[6] 国家社科基金重大项目,全面推进健康中国建设的战略方向与动力机制研究,21ZDA104, 2021-至今60万元,子课题成员

[7] 国家自然科学基金项目,“歧视感知”影响青少年男男性行为人群危险性行为的中介效应研究,81673196,2017.01-2020.12,55万元,参与


l 论文第一或通讯作者

[1] Wu J, Xia QY, Miao YD, Yu CC, Tarimo CS, Yang YM*. Self-perception and COVID-19 vaccination self-efficacy among Chinese adults: A moderated mediation model of mental health and trust. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2023, 333, 313-320.

[2] Yang YM, Liu MX, Cao N, Li XY, Chen ZS, Kelifa MO. School connectedness and psychological resilience as mediators in the relationship between childhood abuse and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2023; 14(1): 2172650.

[3] Yang YM, Ma XQ, Kelifa MO, Li XY, Chen ZS, Wang PG. The relationship between childhood abuse and depression among adolescents: The mediating role of school connectedness and psychological resilience. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2022;131:105760

[4] Yang YM, Wang PG, Kelifa MO, Wang B, Liu MX, Lu LL, Wang W. How workplace violence correlates turnover intention among Chinese health care workers in COVID-19 context: The mediating role of perceived social support and mental health. Journal of Nursing Management, 2022; 30(6), 1407-1414.

[5] Wang PG, Kelifa MO, Yu B, Yang YM*. Classes of childhood adversities and their associations to the mental health of college undergraduates: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2021;26(1):73.

[6] Yang YM, Jiang JF. Influence of family structure on adolescent deviant behaviors and depression: The mediation role of parental monitoring and school connectedness. Public Health, 2023; 217, 1-6.

[7] Guo Y#, Yang YM#, Deveaux L, Dinaj V, Schieber E, Herbert C, Lee J, Wang B. Exploring effects of multi-level factors on transitions of risk-taking behaviors among Bahamian middle-to-late adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2023; 47(3):210-220.

[8] Kelifa MO#, Yang YM#, Herbert C, He QQ, Wang PG*. Psychological resilience and current stressful events as potential mediators between adverse childhood experiences and depression among college students in Eritrea. Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020;106:104480.

[9] Yang YM, Lu LL, Chen T, Ye SY, Kelifa MO, Zhang Q, Liang TE, Hu B, Gao XY, Wang W*. Healthcare worker's mental health and their associated predictors during the epidemic peak of COVID-19. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2021; 14:221-231.

[10] Wang W, Lu LL, Kelifa MO, Yu Y, He AQ, Cao N, Zheng S, Yang YM*. Mental health problems in Chinese healthcare workers exposed to workplace violence during the COVID-19 outbreak: A cross-sectional study using propensity score matching analysis. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2020; 13: 2827-2833.

[11] Yang YM, Wang W, Kelifa MO, Li JJ, Li SY, Yan H. HIV disclosure patterns and psychosocial correlates among people living with HIV in Nanjing, China: A latent class analysis. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2020; 36(3): 220-226.

[12] Yang YM#, Kelifa MO, Yu B, Herbert C, Wang YB, Jiang JF. Gender-specific temporal trends in overweight prevalence among Chinese adults: A hierarchical age-period-cohort analysis from 2008 to 2015. Global Health Research and Policy, 2020; 5:42.

[13] Wang W#, Yang YM#, Kelifa MO, Li JJ, Li SY, Yan H*. Association between personality traits and patterns of HIV risk behaviors among young men who have sex with men in China. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2020; 36(9):775-781.

[14] 杨银梅,王威,姚星,. HIV阳性男男性行为者抑郁现状及相关因素研究.现代预防医学,2020;47(9):1629-1632+1655.

[15] 杨银梅,沈雅利,李十月等. 中国大陆地区大学生性行为发生情况meta分析. 中国公共卫生, 2018;34 (1): 142-147.

[16] 杨银梅,肖琛嫦,王威,. HIV/AIDS病人家人告知现状及相关因素分析. 中国艾滋病性病,2017;23(8):706-709.

[17] 杨银梅,李十月,燕虹. 男男性行为者队列保持率及影响因素的Meta分析. 中国艾滋病性病,2017;23(5):429-432+447.

[18] 杨银梅,肖琛嫦,王棠,. 自我控制与学生男男性行为人群危险行为的关系.中华疾病控制杂志,2017;21(12):1241-1244.

l 著作

[1] 杨银梅独著.《生命历程事件下童年不良经历对个体健康的影响研究》, 武汉大学出版社, 20242.

l 会议报告

[1] Yang YM. Family structure and internet addiction among junior middle school students: A moderated mediation model.The 6th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Health and Development of Disadvantaged Children, October 21-22, 2023, Xinxiang, China. Oral presentation

[2] 夏青云, 杨银梅(指导老师). 负性生活事件和亲子亲合对初中生焦虑的影响:网络成瘾和心理韧性的作用,2023年全国儿童青少年健康发展学术大会暨学校卫生工作能力建设培训班,荣获研究生沙龙二等奖20238.4-8.7,昆明

[3] Yang YM. School connectedness and psychological resilience as mediators in the relationship between childhood abuse and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents. 3rd International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine Sciences, October 13-15, 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Oral presentation

[4] 杨银梅, 王培刚. 生命历程视角下童年不良经历对中国中老年抑郁的影响研究,荣获湖北省人口科学奖一等奖, 20227.9,武汉

[5] Yang YM, Wang PG. The relationship between childhood abuse and depression among adolescents: The mediating role of school connectedness and psychological resilience. 2nd International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine Sciences, October 29-31, 2021, Zhengzhou, China. Oral presentation

[6] Yang YM. HIV disclosure patterns and its associated factors among people living with HIV/AIDS: A latent class analysis, 50th APACPH Conference, September 12-14, 2018, Malaysia. Oral presentation

[7] Yang YM, Jiang JF. Gender-specific trends in overweight among Chinese adults, 2008-2015: Age-period-cohort analysis, 16th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, March 30-31, 2020, Johns Hopkins University. Oral presentation

[8] Yang YM, Wang B, Wang PG, Deveaux L, Stanton B. Longitudinal patterns of risk involvement among adolescence: A latent transition analysis with socio-ecological covariates, APHA 2020 Annual Meeting, October 24-28, 2020. Poster presentation

Researchgate主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yinmei-Yang/research
