学校主页 |










[1] 2022-1至现在,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,副教授

[2] 2021-7至2021-12,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,直聘副教授

[3] 2019-7至2021-12,郑州大学,公共卫生学院,讲师


[1] 2016-9至2019-6,华中科技大学,劳动卫生与环境卫生学,博士,导师:王爱国 教授

[2] 2013-9至2016-7,郑州大学,劳动卫生与环境卫生学,硕士,导师:巴月 教授

[3] 2008-9至2013-7,郑州大学,预防医学,本科


l 学术荣誉

[1] 2022年,河南省科技进步二等奖(3/10)

[2] 2022年,河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖(3/10)

[3] 2022年,河南省教育厅优秀科技论文二等奖(1/3)

[4] 2022年,河南省科协典赞中原十大科普作品奖(3/7)

[5] 2023年,中国环境诱变剂学会三致专委会“杰出青年奖”提名奖

l 主要兼职

[1] 河南省生态环境专家库入库专家

[2] 河南省科技专家库入库专家

[3] 中文期刊《环境卫生学杂志》青年编委

[4] 国际学术期刊Frontiers in Public Health(SCI & SSCI,Q1)编委

[5] 国际学术期刊Frontiers in Pediatrics(SCI,Q2)编委

[6] 河南省环境健康专业委员会委员,河南省预防医学会

[7] 河南省地方病专业委员会委员,河南省预防医学会


[1] 国家自然科学基金,青年基金(编号:82003401;年限:2021-2023):Notch1信号通路调控神经干细胞分化在氟神经毒性中的作用及机制研究

[2] 中国博士后科学基金会,特别资助(站中)(编号:2022T150586;年限:2022-2023)

[3] 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目(编号:2021M692904;年限:2021-2023)

[4] 河南省重点研发与推广专项,科技攻关计划项目(编号:202102310622;年限:2020-2021)

[5] 河南省人社厅,博士后基金(编号:202002004;年限:2020-2021)

[6] 河南省教育厅,高等学校重点科研项目(编号:21A330006;年限:2021-2022)

[7] 国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室,开放课题(编号:ZD202205;年限:2022-2023)

[8] 国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室,开放课题(编号:ZD202001;年限:2020-2021)

[9] 河南省生态环境厅,河南省居民生态环境与健康素养提升项目(2022)(年限:2022-2022)

[10] 郑州大学,医学科学院,临床医学一流学科优秀青年人才计划(年限:2023-2025)

[11] 郑州大学,青年教师专项(年限:2020-2020)


l 论文(第一作者)

[1] Zhou G# (周郭育), Yang L#, Luo C, Liu H, Li P, Cui Y, Liu L, Yu X, Zeng Q, Chen J, Zhao Q, Dong L, Niu Q, Zhang S*, Wang A*. Low-to-moderate fluoride exposure, relative mitochondrial DNA levels, and dental fluorosis in Chinese children [J]. Environ Int, 2019, 127: 70-77

[2] Zhou G (周郭育), Hu Y, Wang A, Guo M, Du Y, Gong Y, Ding L, Feng Z, Hou X, Xu K, Yu F, Li Z, Ba Y*. Fluoride stimulates anxiety- and depression-like behaviors associated with SIK2-CRTC1 signaling dysfunction [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(45): 13618-13627

[3] Zhou G# (周郭育), Zhao Q#, Luo C, Liu H, Li P, Cui Y, Yu X, Chen J, Liu L, Zhang S*, Wang A*. Low-moderate fluoride exposure and intelligence among Chinese school-aged children: Role of circulating mtDNA content [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 786: 147330

[4] Zhou G (周郭育), Wu J, Yang M, Sun P, Gong Y, Chai J, Zhang J, Afrim F K, Dong W, Sun R, Wang Y, Li Q, Zhou D, Yu F, Yan X, Zhang Y, Jiang L, Ba Y*. Prenatal exposure to air pollution and the risk of preterm birth in rural population of Henan Province [J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 286: 131833

[5] Sun R#, Zhou G# (周郭育), Liu L, Ren L, Xi Y, Zhu J, Huang H, Li Z, Li Y, Cheng X, Ba Y*. Fluoride exposure and CALCA methylation is associated with the bone mineral density of Chinese women [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 253: 126616 (Top期刊)

[6] Zhou G (周郭育), Li Q, Hou X, Wu H, Fu X, Wang G, Ma J, Cheng X, Yang Y, Chen R, Li Z, Yu F, Zhu J, BaY*. Integrated 16S rDNA sequencing and metabolomics to explore the intestinal changes in children and rats with dental fluorosis[J]. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2022

[7] Zhou G (周郭育), He T, Huang H, Feng F, Liu X, Li Z, Zhang Y, Ba Y*. Prenatal ambient air pollution exposure and SOD2 promoter methylation in maternal and cord blood [J]. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2019, 181: 428-434 (Top期刊)

[8] Zhou G (周郭育), Yang M, Chai J, Sun R, Zhang J, Huang H, Zhang Y, Deng Q, Jiang L*, Ba Y*. Preconception ambient temperature and preterm birth: a time-series study in rural Henan, China [J]. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021, 28(8): 9407-9416

[9] Zhou G# (周郭育), Tang S#, Yang L, Niu Q, Chen J, Xia T, Wang S, Wang M, Zhao Q, Liu L, Li P, Dong L, Yang K, Zhang S*, Wang A*. Effects of long-term fluoride exposure on cognitive ability and the underlying mechanisms: Role of autophagy and its association with apoptosis [J]. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2019, 378: 114608

[10] Zhou G (周郭育), Liu L, Li X, Hou X, Wang L, Sun R, Huang H, Li Z, Li W, Wang C, Ba Y*. ESRα Promoter Methylation May Modify the Association Between Lipid Metabolism and Type 2 Diabetes in Chinese Farmers [J]. Front Public Health, 2021, 9: 578134 (SSCI)

l 论文(通讯作者)

[1] Yanjie Wang, Yang Liu, Kai Yang, Liying Yang, Song Zhang, Yue Ba, Guoyu Zhou (周郭育). The bioaerosols generated from the sludge treatment process: Bacterial and fungal variation characteristics, source tracking, and risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 166193.

[2] Gong Y#, Sun P#, Fu X, Jiang L, Yang M, Zhang J, Li Q, Chai J, He Y, Shi C, Wu J, Li Z, Yu F, Ba Y*, Zhou G* (周郭育). The type of previous abortion modifies the association between air pollution and the risk of preterm birth [J]. Environ Res, 2022, 212: 113166.

[3] Gong Y#, Chai J#, Yang M, Sun P, Sun R, Dong W, Li Q, Zhou D, Yu F, Wang Y, Yan X, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Jiang L, Ba Y, Zhou G* (周郭育). Effects of ambient temperature on the risk of preterm birth in offspring of adolescent mothers in rural henan, China [J]. Environ Res, 2021, 201: 111545.

[4] Wang Yanjie, Yang Kai, Guo Xuebin, Zhao Shan, Lu Zhiqiang, Yang Liying, Song Huiling, Zhou G* (周郭育). The generation characteristics, pattern, and exposure risk of bioaerosol emitted in an A2O process wastewater treatment plant [J]. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2022.

[5] Gao M, Sun L, Xu K, Zhang L, Zhang Y, He T, Sun R, Huang H, Zhu J, Zhou G* (周郭育), Ba Y*. Association between low-to-moderate fluoride exposure and bone mineral density in Chinese adults: Non-negligible role of RUNX2 promoter methylation [J]. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2020, 203: 111031.

[6] Yang M, He T, Jiang L, Wang H, Zhang J, Chai J, Li Z, Zhang Y, Zhou G* (周郭育), Ba Y*. The role of maternal methylation in the association between prenatal meteorological conditions and neonatal H19/H19-DMR methylation [J]. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2020, 197: 110643.

[7] Li Z, Yang M, Duan L, Gong Y, Xia H, Afrim F-K, Huang H, Liu X, Yu F, Zhang Y, Ba Y, Zhou G* (周郭育). The neonatal PROC gene rs1799809 polymorphism modifies the association between prenatal air pollutants exposure and PROC promoter methylation [J]. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021, 29: 14575–14583.

[8] Wang A, Duan L, Huang H, Ma J, Zhang Y, Ma Q, Guo Y, Li Z, Cheng X, Zhu J, Zhou G* (周郭育), Ba Y*. Association between fluoride exposure and behavioural outcomes of school-age children: a pilot study in China [J]. Int J Environ Health Res, 2022, 32(1): 232-241.

[9] Li Z, Gong Y, Yang M, Chai J, Sun R, Li Q, He Y, Huang H, Zhang Y, Ba Y, Zhou G* (周郭育). Weather and Birth Weight: Different Roles of Maternal and Neonatal GPR61 Promoter Methylation [J]. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2022, 35(3): 181-193.

[10] Niu Z, Duan L, Du Y, Yu F, Chen R, Li Z, Ba Y, Zhou G (周郭育). Effect of zinc intake on association between fluoride exposure and abnormal sex steroid hormones among US pubertal males: NHANES, 2013-2016 [J]. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023.

l 著作

[1] 周郭育(参编);现代环境卫生学(第3版),主编:杨克敌、鲁文清,人民卫生出版社,总字数2296千字,2019.